The holiday season is here, and whatever the weather where you’re traveling, you’re sure to encounter some wintry accessories! I’m often asked for the best ways to store soft and delicate sweaters, among other winter wear. I decided in advance of those new cashmere socks and gloves you’re likely to see in the stocking this year, it’s the perfect chance to put together a few storage solutions that will keep your knits and furs looking their best and winter ready for many years to come!


Whether small silk squares or oversized chunky knits, scarves can be a beast to properly store year-round. As is often the problem with these smaller, less used accessories, you might be tempted to toss them all in a drawer and deal with them again next year! I would argue if you can’t find the perfect one (and we all know the accessories make the outfit), you’ll never wear it! Try instead a partitioned insert that will keep your cozy knits separated by style, or a simple scarf hanger that can accommodate multiple scarves at a time! If you have extra wall space, consider a towel bar or staging rod where you can hang neatly. And, if you’re looking for more of a closet upgrade, you can also incorporate a designated pull-out for all your patterned scarves and pashminas so they’re tucked away nicely, and look beautiful every time you open it up.

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Who doesn’t love a cozy knit around the holidays (or all year long)?! The trick is protecting them from damage while they’re stored away. Some can hang, (on a special sweater hanger) without fear of stretching, but others need additional protection. If you’re dealing with more delicate duds, consider a leather storage box or an enclosed cabinet. If you’re storing on shelves, I recommend folding and sorting by weight and color!



Even Santa needs a place to store his hat 364 days of the year! Depending on the style, you might want to keep them in their original boxes, or nest them together on a shelf! I often opt to store these on the highest shelf of the closet, so no space goes to waste, and you’re not climbing a ladder to access items you need every day. Plus, they can look great displayed around the closet! If you have a larger collection and room to spare, I also love creating a statement hat wall that fills the space with instant personality. You could even do this in a bedroom or hallway.

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Another small accessory that you can never seem to find when you need them! Never leave your gloves in the bottom of a bag, or they’re gone forever. The best way to keep a pair of gloves at the tip of your fingers is to designate a spot in a partitioned insert or tray. Take them out, wear them, and return them to their home where they live for the remainder of the year.



Furs (even Faux) are not only an investment accessory, but require an investment of time to maintain. If you want your stoles and coats to look their best for generations to come, the best solution is a designated, temp-controlled cabinet. Smaller accessories should always lay flat, in a soft, lined drawer or shelf to avoid crushing! Luxury pieces require luxury care, and you’ll be happy you did when you can still wear that timeless coat twenty years from now!

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