The Bachelorette star is bringing home baby to a playful Vanessa Antonelli nursery, seamlessly outfitted with a bespoke LACD wardrobe!


The same general closet design principles apply for nursery closets: everything having a place. When there is a specific place for hanging, shoes, belts, dirty clothes, underwear, etc., kids will know where to find things and be more likely to put them back in their places. If kids cannot reach something, then chances are it will land on the floor. I always recommend a good design that is adjustable and flexible over time, over expensive materials.


Visit Project Nursery for a full run-down of the space, and check out my 'Expert Tips' when organizing a nursery closet.


Keep watching Million Dollar Closets for coverage of Ali's nursery and other exciting projects:

We are excited to announce that we will finally have all new episodes of "Million Dollar Closets with Lisa Adams" exclusively for this channel! Here's a quick teaser for next week's episode, featuring Ali Fedotowsky's baby closet! New episode releases next Thursday :) Subscribe to see more of Lisa Adams closet design, organization and inspirational videos!

In this episode of 'Million Dollar Closets' we follow luxury closet designer Lisa Adams as she designs a one of a kind baby closets for bachelorette star Ali Fedotowsky. Subscribe to see more of Lisa Adams closet design, organization and inspirational videos!

See inside this luxurious baby closet designed for former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky by Lisa Adams, CEO of LA Closet Design. Through this beautiful image montage we tour of Ali's baby closet, with highlights a few of Lisa's favorite features. Subscribe to see more of Lisa Adams closet design, organization and inspirational videos!