There’s no time like the new year to really get your closet in order! I always say, the closet is where most of us start and end the day, and therefore sets the tone for our general mental state and productivity! The New Year also sets the tone for the year ahead, so what better place to start fresh and set yourself up for success in 2023?! Today, I’m going to share a few of my personal favorite tips for tidying up any closet, and creating a clutter-free sanctuary in your home.


The best way to kick off a closet refresh is by clearing out any unnecessary clutter! The New Year is the perfect time to take stock of your wardrobe and make the tough decisions about what stays and what goes! I always say, if you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s probably safe to let it go. Obviously there are exceptions, and some classic pieces come back around every few years, but in general it’s a great idea to make space for the new pieces you’ll bring home in the year to come! Tackle this with a friend and a bottle of champagne to toast to the new and improved closet of your dreams! Check out some of my other posts on purging for a step by step guide to purge your closet like a pro! Moving forward, I recommend keeping hampers in the closet for dry cleaning, donations, and items to be tailored, so nothing unnecessary makes its way back into the closet only to hang for another year.


The closet is valuable real estate for many homeowners, regardless of square footage. I like to recommend that clients cycle their seasonal items in and out of the closet to free up as much space as possible. This way, you’re truly using everything you see in your closet at any given time. If you have closed cabinets in your closet, this is a great place to store away the pieces you won’t need until next season! It’s also a great way to protect delicate knits, cashmere, suede boots and the like so they are in top shape when you work them back into your wardrobe next year!


Accessories make the outfit, and often, accessory storage makes or breaks the overall livability and functionality of a closet! Clever systems for organizing your sunglasses, jewelry, scarves, and other accessories, are critical to maintaining order in your closet. Here, I like to invest in organizational tools to ensure everything has a home! Whether this be in the form of a suede custom insert, acrylic boxes, shelf dividers, or accessory hangers, there are so many ways to get these items in order!


In the modern age, we are seeing more and more need for home office items and personal electronics to make their way into the closet! These items need a home, too, and need to be kept charged and ready at all times. I like to incorporate a custom charging drawer in the closet for these items to stay tucked out of sight! If you’re looking for an easy solution in an existing closet, consider adding a docking station or pop-up outlet to an existing bureau or vanity!


Finally, I believe the staging area is a game-changer in any closet! Whether you want to stage looks for the week ahead, style new pieces coming into your closet, or pack for a trip, having a place to put these pieces ensures that things don’t disappear into the closet to be forgotten! I recommend adding a wall-mounted staging bar (or towel rod) if you have open wall space, or even dedicating a whole cabinet of hanging space for this flexibility if you have the luxury of space! If space is limited, a valet rod can be installed in any closet and instantly add the functionality you need.