It’s often said that compromise is a major part of healthy relationships — but what about when it comes to closet space?! No matter the amount of square footage, it can be tricky to carve out separation in a shared closet. Both functionally, and aesthetically, many of our clients with shared closets want to create personal sanctuaries to get dressed or unwind at the end of the day. Here, I want to share a few pro tips for dividing a closet with your significant other, to maintain your clothing and your sanity!


It’s important in a shared closet to keep the palette unoffensive and gender neutral! Stick to timeless finishes like stained woods and light painted finishes. Design the closet to suit your home, incorporating design details from your master bath or bedroom for inspiration. Overtly masculine or feminine finishes and flashy design details can be a turn off for your partner. Instead, try to strike a neutral balance somewhere between your two styles, so you can both use and enjoy the closet! Mix materials, make it interesting, just try to avoid designing for one partner’s personal preferences.


Delineating separate areas of the closet for each person’s belongings is critical to keeping things organized! If space is available, I like to create division with an island or tall peninsula! This way, each partner has a clearly defined space, while also creating additional storage! An island is nice, as it creates a neutral area to land. However, if you have a messy partner (or you are the messy partner) you might prefer something tall that breaks up the room into smaller spaces!


If square footage is limited, I recommend each partner picking a side of the closet. Depending on your needs, this doesn’t mean you can’t encroach into your partner’s territory for lesser used items — it just gives you each a sense of personal space, and makes it easier for you both to find the items you’re using more regularly!


Finally, it’s important that you each put your personal stamp on your space! Stage and style your area with accessories that make you happy, and make the space feel like yours. Whether this is a bureau top, an island, or open shelves, there are plenty of places to create a personal vignette that will make your shared closet feel personal to you both.